Tuesday, May 27, 2014

WebSite Page Locking

Hi Everybody,

Today, Again i shared my next module "Page-Lock" in Zend-Framework 2.

Basically page locking is important when you want your site should be more secure in terms of transactions and updation happening across the site.

This module contain the following feature:
1. If one user open let's say the home page, then the same user can not open it on the other browser.

2. If your application handling the login mechanism then this module also handle the locking on logged-in user accordingly.

3. It has the feature where you can set the time period of locking. Its adjustable from flat file.

4. It's lightweight, simple and shower.

You can download the page-lock module from  the Zend-Framework 2 module sites i.e.

URL : https://github.com/tarun-singhal/page-lock

Here, you can find the installation process i.e. how to implement it in your application.

I will be more thankful to you, if i got some feedback from your side :)


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Zend Framework 2: JobQueue Module


Today i share my first module "JobQueue" on Zend-Framework 2 module site :)

URL : http://modules.zendframework.com/

JobQueue is a Feature of the Zend-Server and i use this feature in Zend-Framework2.

JobQueue Module is basically use to handle heavy background process. It helps to increase the Web App performance.  JobQueue service can be used for the following scenarios :
  1. Preparing data for the next request (pre-calculating)
  2. Pre-caching data
  3. Generating periodical reports 
  4. Sending e-mails 
  5. Cleaning temporary data or files 
  6. Communicating with external systems.

    Job Queue module is useful with Zend Server 5 (though not as part of the Community Edition).
You can download the JobQueue Module from Git-hub i.e
URL : https://github.com/tarun-singhal/JobQueue

NOTE: Please make sure your zend-server service should be running.

Below screen-shot that shows, once you run the module in your application then you can view your application job status send via JobQueue module on zend-server.