Thursday, February 27, 2014

Linux : Replace string in multiple files recursively


If you want to search and replace specific string from multiple file recursively then below command is useful  for it :

Linux Command:
# grep -rl "string1" * -R | xargs sed -i 's/string1/string2/g'

Here above command is combination of  'grep' and 'sed', 
grep : Command will search for "string1" and returns file-name where string1 found

sed : will replace the "string1" to "string2"

string1 : old string
string2 : New string

You can watch the above process on youtube also...


smokinXP said...

Good tip; thanks

However, what if the string to be replaced contains a " ?

Something like this:

Tarun Kumar Singhal said...

Plz give me old and new string for replacement

Tarun Kumar Singhal said...

Plz give me old and new string for replacement

JuanDA said...

Hello, awsome.

I need to change the text "/cess/" to "/cessV2/" . what should i do?


Unknown said...

replace / to |